When you want to build
a positive brand image
by providing customer experiences

When you want to build
a positive brand image
by providing customer experiences

LG Electronics H&A
CX Clinic Project

LG Electronics H&A was contemplating the optimization of the customer experience journey. However, there was a lot of uncertainty in identifying the pain points that occur during the customer experience journey. As a result, based on key questions for each customer experience journey, they initiated the CX Clinic Project with the primary goal of improving the brand experience on their customer experience journey (CEJ). Additionally, through the derivation of CEJ competitiveness indicators, they aimed to establish a foundation for a continuous monitoring system to achieve ongoing brand challenge goals. In 2021, the project was conducted targeting Italy, France, and China. In 2022, a project examining the customer experience journey was carried out targeting Australia and the UK.

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Hyundai Motor’s 2022
Longest Run Campaign

Recently, major domestic and international companies have been conducting various meaningful social contribution projects as part of their CSR activities, such as ESG and eco-friendly campaigns. Hyundai Motor has also been running the "LONGEST RUN" eco-friendly social contribution campaign both online and offline since 2016, aiming to create a clear and clean world without fine dust for seven years.

In this year's LONGEST RUN campaign, the emphasis was on the successful hosting of a large-scale race that had not taken place for three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign also focused on incorporating the new eco-friendly code, "Zero Waste,"' throughout the entire campaign. From the eco-friendly untact race conducted through a mobile app to various promotions and the final run with the "Zero Waste" concept held offline, the ultimate goal was to create a new customer experience (CX) for the LONGEST RUN, different from previous years.

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CES Electronics Exhibition

The CES Electronics Exhibition is a global platform where brands showcase cutting-edge technology and visions that lead the standards of human life worldwide. It is considered the optimal platform for a promotion that attracts attention from all brands and provides a valuable experience to customers. As a participant in the home appliance industry among numerous global brands spanning various sectors such as automotive and IT, LG Electronics faced the challenge of highlighting its unique brand value and image.

Among these challenges, the primary mission was to emphasize LG's distinctive brand identity and differentiate it from other brands. The goal was to consistently showcase LG's products and advanced technology as "emotional technology towards people" and products embodying values for a "better life.“

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