When you need to attract
and expand customers to the platform

When you need to attract
and expand customers to the platform

NAVER Series

After the success of the campaign "Encounter Life-Changing Works," which introduced various genres of web novel content, NAVER Series found itself in need of a follow-up campaign. While continuing the concept of the same campaign, the challenge was to prominently showcase exclusive web novels, boosting awareness and inflow rates for NAVER Series as a content platform, a challenger in the market. The goal was to create an image of a premium content platform with high-quality works, surpassing competitors.

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Shinhan pLay Expansion Campaign

In 2021, Shinhan Card conducted a campaign emphasizing the features and usability of its flagship platform, "Shinhan pLay," which had just been launched. In 2022, they aimed to take it a step further by conducting an expansion campaign that allows consumers to resonate with and experience the value of Shinhan pLay. However, since the financial industry as a whole was engaging in similar platform-centric communication, it was crucial for Shinhan Card to deliver a distinctive message unique to them.

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WeMade has been presenting various games utilizing the “The Legend of Mir” IP. However, with the majority of the mobile game market being dominated by mobile games using existing IP for a new MMORPG, MirM game faced challenges due to the saturated market of similar games. The key mission was to establish a firm market position for the newly launched mobile MMORPG game, “MirM.”

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